perm filename CHARS.LOP[AM,DBL]4 blob sn#631755 filedate 1981-12-26 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Name: RANAR  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 44384/4959  Nxt lvl: 55k
C00009 00003	Name: KILA   	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 20,151 / 22,415 / 24,651
C00017 00004	Defaults:
C00020 00005	Magic mouths (Kila's)
C00027 00006	Name: KILE   	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 2321/2110/2321
C00033 00007	Name: ANGEL  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 0
C00037 00008	Name: ANGEL  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 2000/0/0/0
C00041 ENDMK
Name: RANAR  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 44384/4959  Nxt lvl: 55k
Class: CLERIC/RANGER	Level: 6/3     	Alignment: C.G.		Race: Human
God: Mielikki, the goddess of nature.   Secondary god: Anhur, god of warriors

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
18/18.100       15          17          17            9          16

Hits: 	63				Age 21  Wt 196 lbs  Ht 73" (mature)
	      8&8  8  5  2  6  8
Gold: Total: 20,068    	20,000 in jewels and gems (underwear); 68 in belt pouch
Doors: 1-5 (2)			       Bars/gates: 40%         
Unadjusted weight:     	       	       Extra weight: +3000 (300lbs)

Armor class: -2 (field plate; +2 shield; +1 ring; when not using shield: AC 1)
Move: 9 (special true plate)
Saving throws:     Poison 7/4 Wands 10/7 Stone 11/8 Dragon 13/10 Spells 12/9 [Wis +3]

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+1 Long Sword          13  11   9   8   7   6   5   3   1   1d8+7      1d12+7       3    5
2-Handed sword         10   9   8   7   5   4   3   4   4   1d10+6     3d6+6        6    1
Firm Long Bow (+1/+1)  13  11  10   8   6   4   3   2   1   1d6+1      1d6+1      7/14/21
Ranseur 	       15  13  12  10   8   7  *5*  4   1   2d4+6      2d4+6
[Lance (Heavy horse)   12  11  12  10   9   9   8   8   7   2d4+7      3d6+6        1    8]
  unarmored            13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   +6 damage bonus

Extra +3 damage against Bugbears, Ettins, Giants, Orcs, Gnolls,
			Trolls, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Ogres
Proficient in sword, bow, and polearm (incl. ranseur), hammer, staff
Spells: (5) PFE 18r, Cure Lt, Cure Lt, Command, Cause Fear 6r
	(5) Find Traps 30r, Hold Person 10r, Spk Animals 12r, Resist Fire 6t, Silence 12r
	(3) Dispel magic, Remove Curse, Prayer 6r 60' radius
Magic items:  Sword +1/+3vsLycan (room 50), +2 shield, +1 Ring of protection
	Ring w/con lt compartment; sim w/con dark. CLt headband. 5 CLt arrows.
	Magic mouth on magic items, warning of theiving; on self, of surp.attack.
	Scrolls: Lt, PFE, ResCold, Purify F&D, Find Traps, Cure Serious Wounds
	Potions: Invis (9g 1d4+2t), 2x5r ResFire, 2/2x5d4r Spd, 2Cure 2d4+2, GasForm, 
	   2/2 Levit, SuperHero (Rngr 3->8, 3/2 attacks, + 4d8+1hps, 2/2x5d6r, +5 to hit)
	All are in ceramic vials, padded (cloth), metal casings. Wtrbrthe pellet.
	Held: EntrapNet: 10x10', AC -10, throw <20', save vs spell or held fast
Equipment:	True field plate armor (AC+1, move 9); worth 2500gp
                Spare set of Plate Mail; Leather armor; great helm
   Weapons:	+1 LSword, 2H sword, LBow, Ranseur, Dagger, spare LSword, 4 hammers
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin wine
			1 large mirror  3 L. sacks	1 10' pole (stick)
   Bandelero of:        9 Holy water 	4 Spikes(wood)	5 oil
			5 nails		5 iron spikes	6 1d4 vials of acid (gl/cer/met)
   Sack containing: 	4 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint&steel	  4 oil
   Quiver containing:	15  arrows     25 silver arrows	5 torches
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garote metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Garlic, Belladonna, and Wolvesbane  2 candles
			1 set of local maps & ref. books  2 lumps of coal
			4 Empty flasks	2 week's rations   1 10lb sack of mortar
			2 candles       1 steel  mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   Medium Warhorse:	50gp, 3 skins water, 2 wks rations, 10 holywtr, Leather, LSword
E.P. Bonus:  10%/10%	Strength +3 attack, +6 damage
System shock: 97%	Resurrection: 98%
Speaks: alignment, common
Can surprise on 1-3	Only surprised on a 1
    Underground: must be less than 3 turns (30 minutes) old, to commence.
Normal passage or room	65%		Through door or stairs	55%
Through trap door	45%		Through secret door	25%
Base chance to track is 90%		Each addl creature adds 2%
Each 24hrs elapsed adds -10%		Each hr rain/snow adds -25%
Name: KILA   	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 20,151 / 22,415 / 24,651
Class: Th/F/MU      	Level: 6/5/5   	Alignment: C.E.      	Race: F. Elf
God: Tyche, the goddess of luck.        Secondary god: Anhur, god of warriors
[lost 4.5kep to Bloodcraver]		Next relevant levels: 42.5k/35k/40k
Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   13           17           7          15           18          11
          				Age 180  Wt 76 lbs  Ht 50" (mature)
Hits: 40      6/10/4 5/9/1 4/10/4 5/7/4 5/7/3 6/-/- +4 for screech owl +1 for Con bonus
Total gold: 14,541    Carried: all but 141 in sack in underwear (gems, jewels, etc.)
Doors: 1-2        Bars/gates: 4%    	Extra weight: +100 (10lbs)
Armor class: -3  (-1 if not using her +1 shield)

Saving throws:     Poison 12  Wands 11  Stone 11  Dragon 15  Spells 12

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+1 L.Sword Wellsbane   14  12  10   9   8   7   6   4   2   1d8+1+1d6  1d12+1+1d6   3    5
+2 2H Swrd Bloodcraver 10   9   8   7   5   4   3   4   4   1d10+2     3d6+2        6    1
Long Bow               11   9   8   6   4   2   1   0  -1   1d6        1d6        7/14/21
Spear                  16  14  13  12  10   9   8   7   6   1d6        1d8          1    6]
Halberd                13  12  11   9   8   7   7   6   6   1d10       2d6          5    9]
Left-handed +1 dagger  16  15  13  12   9   8   6   5   2   1d4+1      1d3+1
Ranseur 	       16  14  13  11   9   8  *6*  5   2   2d4        2d4
 versus unarmored:     14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6
Proficient in Sword, Polearm, Bow, Dgr, Ax, Mace.  Note polearms do double vs charge

Spells: (65%, 7-11)	[books in ceramic/leather/metal/cloth cases; copies in town]
  L1: Sleep, DetMagic, ID, RdMagic, DancLts, Lt, Charm, MM, ShGrasp, Langs
  L2: Web, MMouth, WizLock, Invis, Knock, MirImage, StCloud
  L3: Haste, Lightening, Fireball, Suggestion, Gust of Wind
  Blank spellbook + 6 spells' ink.  Emerg copies: StCloud, Haste
Spells Carried:   (6) MM3, Sleep, Det Magic, Light, Charm, Shocking Grasp
		  (4) MirImage, StCloud, StCloud, Knock [outdoors: Knock->Web]
		  (2) Haste, Lightening [outdoors: Lightening->Fireball]
Magic items:  familiar: screech owl: 4hp, night (ultra)vision, superior hearing
	Elven boots (95-100% silent), +1 dagger, +1 shield, -1 dagger.  Magic mouths.
	Bloodcraver: +2 2H sword; drains 1 level/owner.
	Wellsbane: +1 LSword, CE, heals 1d6/hit on CEs, +1d6 damage to all others.
	2 rings with compartments containing Con Lt/Dark.  2 CLt arrows.
	Potions: 4g Invis, 2x5rResFire, 2/2 Levit, 2&2Cure 2d4+2, 2x(2+d2t)Fly,
	 2/2 HillGiantStr +3/+7, Hero +2lvls, +2d10+2hp, 4+d4t, 3/2 atks,+2 to hit
	Worthless wand; smoke-filled bottle (laughing gas); Oil of Etherealness
	Scrolls: any 3rd lvl; Lightening; Affect Normal Fires & Push.
	Cases for scrolls and potions: ceramic, leather, metal, then bone.
Equipment:	Note that 2500gp has been set aside (already subtrac) for true plate
   Armor:	plate; +1 shield; Leather armor; small wooden shield; great helm
		L Bow; +1 L Sword; 2H Sword; Silvered Halberd; Ranseur; 9 Silver Daggers
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin wine
			3 L. sacks	1 10' pole (stick)  5 nails
   Bandelero of:        9 Holy water  	4 Spikes(wood)	1 oil 
			5 iron spikes	4 vials of 1d4 acid   6 daggers
   Sack containing: 	3 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint&steel  5 oil in metal&ceramic
   Quiver containing:	20  arrows	15 silver arrows   1 silver dagger
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garote silver band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Garlic	1 lump of cheese 1 wolvesbane/belladonna
			4 Empty flasks	2 week's rations (incl. extra water)
			5 oil (ceramic)	5 lumps of coal  2 sacks of coal dust
			2 candles       1 steel  mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
			Iron ring	2 sets thieves' tools	10 Holy water
   Med. Warhorse: 14 da ratns&water, CompBow, 80 arrows, LSword, Leather, 4 HolyWater
E.P. Bonus:  10/0/10	DEX bonus: +4 AC, +3 missile fire and initiative
System shock: 91%	Resurrection: 94%
Speaks: alignment, common, thief cant, elf, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin, orc, gnoll
Infravision 60'  90% immune to sleep and charm   Secret doors: 1/6 (2/6 if looking)
Can surprise on 1-4 (1-2 thru door) if alone or 90' away from metalized party
Thief:  Climb: 92%  Hear: +25%(=40%)  Read Lang: 30%  Backstab: 3x,+4 to hit
Pickpocket: 70   Pick locks: 57   Find/remove traps: 50   Hide: 56   Silent: 62%


Elven boots: OFF (if visible; in ceramic/metal/leather container in backpack)
Owl: flying 60' up, 60' ahead of party outdoors; ceiling ht, one room back indoors.
   Invis. Gives advance warning outdoors; warns of rear attacks indoors.

Misc. notes for the future:

Sometime: bring tapestries, headboard, etc. on wagons to CityState for sale.
	Don't sell them until just before returning here.
Learn: slow, phantasmal force
Sometime visit: alchemist, apothecary, books, cages, cloaks, boots. Identify pearls.
Auger at whirlpool before diving in.
Seek: Scrolls (both clerical and MU), poisons, potions, + thieving tools,
	Magic Missile and Lightening scroll custom-written by high-level MU
	Seek esp. Poly Self potion, Girdle of Giant Strength 2.5, ElfCloak/InvisRing
	Neut poison potion or scroll.  Healing potions. LuckBlade 5.
Note that Rana can make holywater now, and at 7th level can make scrolls.
	Details: 1 day/spell level. Ink cost is 100gp/spel level and is rare.
	Currently has 3 spell levels' worth of ink, 2 spells' quills, 10 spells' vellum.
	Be on the lookout for monster parts that go into the ink.

Magic mouths (Kila's)

Guard pellets, numbers 1-8:
	If Kila says "All pellets retributive strike now"
	   ["Guard pellet N on" has been spoken more recently than "Guard pellet N off"
	    AND no other shout has been heard within the last 10 minutes,
	    AND any creature larger than a wolf approaches within 60'
		except for party, sheep, ents, blinkdogs, cattle, horses, eagles
	Then shout "Alert! Pellet N! Intruder sighted by pellet N!" 3 times.
NoDoz pellets (4)
	If Kila says "All pellets retributive strike now"
	   ["Nodoz pellet N on" has been spoken more recently than "Nodoz pellet N off"
	    You (pellet N) are within 3" of a sleeping party member's ear,
	    A Guard Pellet shouts, or a party member shouts or is attacked or falls over,]
	Then whisper 2x(loud enough to wake the person up):Wake up! Something is happening!

Identify paper and pellet (2 each)
	If you heard "ID paper N on" more recently than "ID paper off"
	    a party member points to the name of the kind of creature (not including
		the specific individuals in the party and their current prisoners)
		-- or a generally applicable description of it (e.g., large&furry) --
		you have seen, sensed, heard, smelled since "ID paper N on" was last spoken,
	Then say "That's it! That's what I saw"

Sound effects items:
	Paper: act=step on; Pellet: retrib or approach; Arrow: fired& hits/lands
	Effects: laughing, footsteps, crying, counting 1-25, 
		 counting 20-1 then "Here I come!", heavy breathing, Orcas call

On headband: If anyone is attacking from behind, surprising the wearer,
	Then shout at the attacker "peek-a-boo, I see you!  Better stop and
		rethink this attack, you turkey, you!"

On backpack, belt pouch, and each magic item: warn of theiving attempt

On most mundane items, weapons, etc: IF Kila singlehandedly kills 10
	anceint red dragons in one round (exactly 10!) THEN shout "Hurrah!"
Rope of Tying: 7' rope: cry out if prisoners are getting/gotten loose after tying
	them up, saying "Rope of Tying Activate" more rec. than "... Deactivate".

Rope of Fencing: similar, 100' rope, cries out if anything leaves its interior...

2x2  Lawful arrow of slaying: Has Con Lt on it. If hit: "I am a LE arrow of slaying,
	and I must warn you that, if you don't spend the next round pulling me
	out, that you will be dead of poison in two rounds. You are hereby warned!"

On the "any 3rd level" scroll:
IF Kila is drowning, and no rope or person is nearby to save her,
THEN just as she would lose consciousness, read <scroll> as Waterbreathe on her
IF Kila is magically held (charmed, slept, hypnotized, etc.) and about to be
  "automatically slain" next round by approaching enemy(s),
THEN read <scroll> as DispelMagic on Kila.

On spare lsword:
     3:	If Kila says "I hope this sword likes you better than it does me"
		AND a non party picks up the sword within 10 minutes
	Then whisper "Ah, I can tell you're my kind of warrior!  Let's ditch
		that elf turkey and go somewhere we can talk privately"
	If the previous magic mouth has gone off,
		AND the wielder has taken the sword somewhere private
			and asked something of it,
	Then say "Wait a minute; I'm not going to tell you anything until
		I see at least 10,000gp worth of gems and jewels on my hilt."
    (2):If the previous magic mouth has gone off,
		AND at least 10,000gp worth of gems and jewels adorn the sword,
			and the wielder says something to the sword,
        Then say "No questions; let ME do the talking.  I am a sword of
		Dragon slaying, you know what alignment I am -- ha ha --
		and I am +10/+20 against ALL dragons. There is a 5% chance
		each round that I slay the dragon (on a natural 20) regardless
		of damage inflicted.  I have no other special properties,
		and I am now going to shut up until you find me a dragon to kill!"
        If the previous mouths have gone off, and a dragon is within sight,
		say "OK, I can take this guy out in one blow, I bet.  Let's go!"
        If the previous mouths have gone off, and a dragon is within sight,
		say "I know I let you down before, but this one is a cinch!"
Name: KILE   	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 2321/2110/2321
Class: Th/F/MU      	Level: 2/2/1   	Alignment: C.E./C.N. 	Race: F. Elf
God: Tyche, the goddess of luck.        Secondary god: Anhur, god of warriors

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   12           17           6          15           18          11

Hits: 	18				Age 167  Wt 76 lbs  Ht 50" (young)
	      6/10/4 5/9/  +4 for screech owl +1 for Con bonus
Gold carried: 100gp pearl, 1000gp jewel,236gp		Total: 1336
Doors: 1-2    			       Bars/gates: 4%         
Unadjusted weight:     	       	       Extra weight: +100 (10lbs)

Armor class: 1+4 (3+4 if not using shield)

Saving throws:     Poison 13  Wands 11  Stone 12  Dragon 15  Spells 12

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+1 long Sword          17  15  13  12  11  10   9   7   5   1d8+1      1d12+1       3    5
2-Handed sword         15  14  13  12  10   9   8   9   9   1d10       3d6          6    1
Long Bow               15  13  12  10   8   6   5   4   3   1d6        1d6        7/14/21
Spear                  19  17  16  15  13  12  11  10   9   1d6        1d8          1    6]
Halberd                16  15  14  12  11  10  10   9   9   1d10       2d6          5    9]
Left-handed +1 dagger  19  18  16  15  12  11   9   8   5   1d4+1      1d3+1
Ranseur 	       20  18  17  15  13  12  10   9   6   2d4        2d4
Proficient in Sword, Polearm, Bow, and L.H.Dgr. Note polearms do double vs charge
Spells: (65%, 7-11)
	Besides in book: Identify, Shocking grasp, Find Familiar, Shield
	Spellbook: Sleep, Detect magic, Read magic, Dancing Lights, Light
	Carried:  Rd.Magic, Sleep, Sleep
Magic items:  familiar: screech owl: 4hp, night (ultra)vision, superior hearing
	+1 dagger, +1 shield
	Sword: Spiders' blood: +1/+2 vs spiders, cuts any web in 1r
	Items simply being held: worthless wand; smoke-filled bottle (room 9)
		Scrolls: ProtFromMagic 5'radius 5d6r drains items; Web; any 3rd
	Scrollcases: bone, then leather, then ceramic, then metal
   Armor:		1 Leather armor 1 large shield	1 small wooden shield
			1 regal plate mail, resalable for 500gp in Tanj
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin wine
			1 Long Bow	1 L. Sword	1 empty wineskin
			3 L. sacks	1 10' pole (stick)  5 nails
			2 spears	1 halberd	0 2-H sword
   Bandelero of:        1 Dagger      	4 Spikes(wood)	1 oil 
			5 iron spikes	4 vials of 1d4 acid   6 daggers
   Sack containing: 	3 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint&steel  1 oil
   Quiver containing:	34  arrows	1 silver arrow
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garote silver band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Garlic	1 lump of cheese 1 wolvesbane/belladonna
			4 Empty flasks	2 week's rations (incl. extra water)
			5 oil		5 lumps of coal  2 sacks of coal dust
			2 candles       1 steel  mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
			Iron ring	1 set of thieves' tools	2nd set: -10%
E.P. Bonus:  10/0/10	DEX bonus: +4 AC, +3 missile fire and initiative
System shock: 91%	Resurrection: 94%
Speaks: alignment, common, thief cant, elf, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin, orc, gnoll
Infravision 60'  90% immune to sleep and charm   Secret doors: 1/6 (2/6 if looking)
Can surprise on 1-4 (1-2 thru door) if alone or 90' away from metalized party
Thiefly skills:  Climb: 86%
Pickpocket: 50   Pick locks: 39   Find/remove traps: 30   Hide: 35   Silent: 36%
Name: ANGEL  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 0
Class: Mnk/MU/Illus		Level: 2/1/0   	Alignment: L. N.     	Race: Human
God: Anhur, god of warriors.

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   15           17          15          16           17           8

Hits: 	17				Age 22 (mature)
	      4&4; 3  (+2 CON bonus/die)
Total Gold: 
Doors: 1-2    			       Bars/gates: 7%         
Unadjusted weight:     	       	       Extra weight: +200 (20lbs)

Armor class: 7   (6 if relying on Monkish abilities)

Saving throws:     Poison 13  Wands 11  Stone 12  Dragon 15  Spells 12 [+1 WIS]

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Spetum                 20  18  16  15  14  13 *12* 10   8   1d6+1      2d6          1    8]
Dagger                 20  19  18  16  14  13  11  10   9   1d4        1d3  
 versus unarmored:     18  17  16  15  14  13  12  11  10

Proficient in Polearm and Dagger.  Note polearms do double vs charge
	In mind: Find familiar, shocking grasp, sleep.

Magic items:


E.P. Bonus:  0/10/10  DEX bonus: +3 AC, +2 missile fire and initiative
System shock: 95%	Resurrection: 96%
Speaks: alignment, common
Monk abilities (emerg only until MU3): AC9+3, Move 16, +1 damage
Dodge missiles iff save vs. petrification
All saves imply absolutely no damage taken
Locks 39  Traps 25  Silent 26  Hide 20  Hear +10%  Climb 86%
Name: ANGEL  	Owner: Doug Lenat 	Experience: 2000/0/0/0
Class: Dru/MU/Thf/Illus		Level: 2/1/0/0 	Alignment: N. G.     	Race: Human
God: Anhur, god of warriors.

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   8            17          15          16           17          15

Hits: 	18				Age 22 (mature)
	      8 6 
Total Gold: 
Doors: 1-2    			       Bars/gates: 7%         
Unadjusted weight:     	       	       Extra weight: +200 (20lbs)

Armor class: 2+4 (3+4 if not using shield; assumes platemail)

Saving throws:     Poison 14  Wands 15  Stone 16  Dragon 17  Spells 17

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Long Sword             20  18  16  15  14  13  12  10   8   1d8        1d12         3    5
Bastard Sword          18  17  15  14  13  12  11  10  10   2d4        2d8
2-Handed sword         16  15  14  13  11  10   9  10  10   1d10       3d6          6    1
Long Bow               16  14  13  11   9   7   6   5   4   1d6        1d6        7/14/21
Spetum                 20  18  16  15  14  13 *12* 10   8   1d6+1      2d6          1    8]
Left-handed Handaxe    20  19  18  16  14  13  11  10   9   1d6        1d6  
 versus unarmored:     18  17  16  15  14  13  12  11  10

Proficient in Sword, Polearm, Bow, and L.H.Axe. Note polearms do double vs charge
Magic items:

   Armor:		Loaned regal plate mail, loaned longsword&axe&shield.

E.P. Bonus:  0/10/10/10	DEX bonus: +4 AC, +3 missile fire and initiative
System shock: 88%	Resurrection: 92%
Speaks: alignment, common
Can surprise on 1-3	Only surprised on a 1
    Underground: must be less than 3 turns (30 minutes) old, to commence.
Normal passage or room	65%		Through door or stairs	55%
Through trap door	45%		Through secret door	25%
Base chance to track is 90%		Each addl creature adds 2%
Each 24hrs elapsed adds -10%		Each hr rain/snow adds -25%